Holiday Toy Drive & Deck the Box
The holidays are synonymous with toys. It’s a joyous time for most, but for many local struggling families, it’s a time of stress and anxiety. Parents barely getting by still want their children to experience the joy and excitement of receiving the toys on Christmas morning. Thank you for partnering with Big Hearts of Fox Valley to help these local D303 families.
Collection Drive Dates: Our 2024 toy drive will run October 21st-November 14th.

What will Big Hearts do with the toys you collect?
• Through our Christmas Sponsorship program, we ask our shoppers to spend at least $75.00 on each child they “adopt” for Christmas. When a child needs clothing and shoes, that amount is quickly reached. We can fill these kids bags with toys when the shopper has to spend so much money on items that the child really needs. When we have over 500 kids, these extra items really put a smile on these little ones’ faces Christmas morning!
• Throughout the school year, we use these items. When a child has a birthday, or a foster family is taking in kids that have nothing but the clothes on their back, these items go a long way in making kids happy.
Deck the Box Contest
Unleash your decorating skills to be featured on our social media pages & for your chance to win bragging rights as… Most Artistic Elves
What a great way to get in the Holiday Spirit! As the end of the year approaches and the days get shorter and colder, getting into the holiday spirit can help brighten everyone’s mood. What better way to celebrate the season than with a fun and festive contest that highlights how you want to give back to our community!